About us

The Idea to raise our own food first came up when my Wife and I decided to pursue a healthier lifestyle for our family and found the Paleo diet.

As we progressed in our journey of healthier living we found that the food we were eating was not what we were led to believe. Labels with words like organic, cage-free, grass-fed,and heart healthy did not mean what we thought they meant. What we found is that food production processes, including raising the animals that we ate, were not up to our standards and were not processing food in a way we agreed with.

We started to look for more local options where we could get food and see for ourselves how it was raised. We were met with a very limited market and a bunch of websites that were sold out or were hard to navigate. 

One large company in our area claimed "pasture-raised" and "grass-fed", but we did some digging and uncovered some sad truths. The cattle were raised on pasture for a year then were put into a feedlot, and fed grass pellets. For the last three months of their lives, the were switched to a corn diet and were corn finished. 

We discovered that GMO crops were everywhere and they were even worse for the environment. 

We didn't want any part of that system.

More research unveiled the sad truth about bad animal husbandry in every part of our food system. Then we found regenerative agriculture and poly-culture farming. 

The seed was planted and we started to question ourselves and the idea of raising our own food. We lived in the middle of Fountain, Colorado, we had no land, and no idea how to start. 

We started asking around and found a friend of our that had ten acres not to far from us. We talked and he agreed to lease the land. We were set with the where part and started getting ready to make our dream a reality. We were about to order our first set of chicks in the spring of 2020. Then Covid hit and fearing job loss and a turn in the market, We backed out. What a mistake, local farms and livestock operations had a record-breaking year and a big market open up because people were questioning how the food shortages were caused and the wanted close-to-home, clean meat. 

We drug our feet and were slow to get started again. In the springs of 2022 we were set and ready once again. As these things go, we got a call from the friend whom we were leasing the land from and he was going to sell his property.

It was the begging of April and we had planned to order my chicks toward the end of April. We thought our options, put out house on the market, and made an offer. In less that two months we bought the 10 acres and we moved into our new home. We were late getting started so we only ordered fifty chicks to raise for our own use. When we were done raising them, we thought why not raise more and become the local farm we had been looking for.

 We made a plan and a decision that we would be the best thing that happened to our land. We wanted to improve out land using the animals we were raising. In June 2022 Revival Ranches was born.

Today, we are fully operating, and proud to offer truly pasture-raised, free-range chicken and pork that are Non-GMO no corn no soy organic hormone and antibiotic free.      

We provide all the care

All animal care on the ranch is provided by one of the family members who live here. Myself (Marcus Lucero) my wife(Tricia Lucero). or one of our three young boys (we also have a baby but he doesn't help to much yet)! Everyday, the day starts with checking water and letting out our chickens. The animals then do what they do best until around 4pm. I then feed all the animals and check the water again. We feed in the evening to encourage our animals to forage throughout the day. 

All the medical needs of our animals are handled on site. We have not had an outbreaks of illness on our ranch but any small injuries are addressed promptly on site. Any animal that did get sick would be removed from the flock and then treated and sold to someone off farm to recoup the cost of the animal. Unfortunately if an animal is too sick or injured they would be dispatched and removed from the Ranch. No animal we sell as food or that produces food will ever receive antibiotics or any type of medication. 

Every broken fence and piece of equipment on our ranch is cared for by us. The picture on the left is when all our pigs broke out of the paddock they were in and were down the road from the ranch. I have a close working relationship with my animals to the point that to get the pigs back to their paddock I led them down the road back to my ranch with nothing, they know me and followed me home. We believe this is true animal husbandry. There is trust built between us and the animals because we truly strive to give them the best life possible. 

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